Tower 6 won the Peoples Choice award and best aerial at the 2016 Berwick and District Volunteer Fire Department's annual emergency vehicle show n'shine.

Tower 6 on scene of a stuctre fire in Windsor

Pumper Tanker 4 taking part in the 2015 Apple Blossom Festival Parade in Kentville.

Rescue 7 on scene of a forest fire in North Queens delivering water to the firefighters battling the blaze. Summer 2016

Remote Rescue 8 taking part in the Berwick and District Volunteer Fire Department's 2015 annual emergency vehicle show n'shine.

Pumper Tanker 4 on scene of a Dump fire in North Alton. Winter 2016

Pumper Tanker 4 on scene of a structure fire in Falmouth. Summer 2016

Remote Rescue 8 on scene of a Dump fire in North Alton. March 2016

Pumper 1 on scene of a fill site operation for a structure fire in Windsor. Summer 2016

Rescue 5 and the BFD crew taking part in the Annual Christmas Angles Walk. Winter 2016

Tower 6 at a event at the Nova Scotia Firefighter School.

Squad 3 participating in a training event at the Nova Scotia Firefighter School

The BFD crew at a controlled burn/training event. Spring 2016

BFD members taking part in ice rescue training. Winter 2017

Tower 6 taking part in a Christmas parade in Hantsport. Winter 2016

Pumper Tanker 4 on scene of a Logging Equipment fire in Hantsport. Summer 2016

We would like to thank Brian Taylor for his Photographs you can see more of his work by visiting;